- @cunycommons the blog is public! sooner than we thought. now working on building group participation and generating content… in reply to cunycommons #
- RT @OERCommons: The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By U #edtech http://bit.ly/c4MRpD via @edudemic #
- OMG. I love wordle, but this, this is just so. very. cool. http://bit.ly/bEGDHH #
- RT @JessieNYC: RT @truthout Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich http://bit.ly/gdPHMN #
- @cunycommons thanks for the RT! in reply to cunycommons #
- it's a crazy multi-tasking kind of day. Sampling Penzu, Evernote, and Instapaper. They all might be winners! How do you manage it all? #
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